Top 10 features of GPS tracking System

Why should you have a GPS tracking system in use?

So the main reason is you can monitor your object. GPS tracking systems are made in such a way that perform different functions at the same time. 

According to the object owner, different features are provided by the telematics industry. Let’s understand briefly the top features are mentioned below: 

Must have Features for an GPS Tracking System

Live tracking screen

Let’s understand why it’s important, for example, Mr. Jack has 50 trucks, each has different tasks to complete in a given period of time by following the route allocated. We assume that Mr. Jeck has done R & D and chose the shortest path. There could be many reasons, let’s because of time – he has run short of time and wants to deliver and complete the order in a given time period of time by customer &, fuel cost – the short route will automatically reduce fuel cost. So for the owner, it’s important to have the real time location of the objects (trucks).

Monitoring (Fuel, temperature  & Tire)

Imagine how great it sounds if the object owner is getting complete information about refill & theft events with location and the quantity in case of fuel. Measuring and monitoring the temperature is important to maintain the quality of the product including food and pharmaceuticals etc so the object owner can deliver the product as fresh as possible.

It’s not wrong to say, tire monitoring systems help owners to reduce the cost & risk. There are systems that have features that can identify the details from the manufacturing date, the brand of tire, usage, damages, tire condition, etc. 

Cost reduction

Following the more efficient routes, safe driving leads to reduced fuel costs. The system automatically schedules the maintenance which helps to increase productivity & reduce the cost. Hence, in the GPS tracking system cost reduction has been an important feature. 

Geofence & POI

This feature is basic and important as well. Assume, Mr. Jack from X country has an order to deliver the raw material to his client whose office is near a restricted area. The rider is new and unaware of this, so in accordance with safe delivery, he will create a geofence and make the factory address as POI (Point of interest). So this is how he doesn’t go in the restricted area and in case if he entered then the rider and fleet owner will get an alert. 

Driver behavior

Driver Behavior may be a vital feature as a result of it makes fleet owners tuned in to the driving pattern and can decrease the damages. Once the automotive is inactivity, it wastes fuel and wears off the automotive components. you’ll track this indicator and cue drivers to get rid of the key from the ignition for instance. Understanding driver behavior knowledge can assist you to manage your worker’s safety. Issues of safety recognition – sharp braking, quick acceleration, speeding, improper parking, non-observance of the space required behind another automotive, and use of incorrect gear: you’ll use this knowledge to assist your drivers to analyze and fix their mistakes, additionally on build them learn from the mistakes of others. 

Maintenance alert

Users will receive timely alerts to assist keep step with completely different activities of your fleet. Take vital actions on the alerts by noting down your response from the platform. Several of today’s pursuit solutions supply associate choice for fixing and customizing maintenance reminder alerts. Let’s say, you’ll set the reportage to provide you with a warning once an explicit variety of hours or miles driven. Most programs will allow you to place in date reminders for vehicle review and repairs, which prevents you from falling behind.

Reports (History)

The GPS enabled live-track recording, analysis, maintenance, and archiving of vehicle history, moreover because the history of the vehicle driver is of key importance to a road transport company. Within the maintenance of the historical information of the vehicle and driver, the transport company will profit itself. It’s actually best for a road transport company to use a motor mechanic particularly for long-distance travel; during this case, the motor mechanic can have to be compelled to be live-tracked mistreatment a similar GPS enabled technology so as to judge his on the duty performance moreover as his skilled recommendation to the motive force within the course of the journey.

Expense management

Expense Management helps you manage all the upkeep and fuel expenditures. This helps you perceive that expense largely happens for every vehicle. Expense following becomes easier as we have a tendency to get elaborate info regarding all expenses of the fleet at one location. Also, Your previous expense is viewed.

Job functionality

Let’s say Mr. Jack’s fleet consists of one thousand trucks. And for that, he got to set up their work for a month. If he blows over the normal method of doing this then it might prove to be long and tedious. therefore that’s not a decent choice to opt for. Here, the work dispatch helps him to simply set up, allocate, and monitor work for his vehicles. He simply has to be compelled to produce employment, set a schedule, add checkpoints, and allot the work to the vehicles. And it’s set. In this fashion with marginal efforts, he may be able to utilize his fleet for max productivity. He’ll even set validity for the work. And once the validity period of time is over, it gets deleted mechanically.


As its name suggests, we will use it to realize the vehicle and driver observance functions. we will get functions like video and audio observance, GPS positioning, vehicle trailing, and driver behavior record. It permits you to examine live video, then stores that knowledge and track vehicles victimization video management package, applications program, etc.