7 Tips for Creating an Effective Fleet Maintenance Program

Whether you have a cargo company, a car rental or a school bus company, fleet maintenance and repair should not be neglected. Fleet maintenance programs are essential for your establishment because your vehicles stand as a reflection of you and your venture. They’re your primary source of revenue and are truly an eye-catching advertising channel that’s on-the-go.  To successfully maintain and manage your fleet, you … Continue reading 7 Tips for Creating an Effective Fleet Maintenance Program

Differences between Telematics and Fleet Management Software – Which One Should You Use?

Telematics and fleet management software are often mistaken to be the same. And while both are favorite tools in the fleet industry, they serve different purposes for your business. Without proper knowledge on the matter, you might end up choosing the wrong solution instead. To make sure you find the right tool for your company, you must first understand how each can help optimize and … Continue reading Differences between Telematics and Fleet Management Software – Which One Should You Use?

Major Changes that will Impact Fleet Management Industry

What has changed in the fleet world, my views around solution as a provider and owner Look like it been a decade, still remember being a newbie to telematics and fleet management space. Words like E-log, ADAS, autonomous system, rag score, tachographs, and many more ghosted words. These got me a nightmare at the start every-time someone came up to me to ask how the … Continue reading Major Changes that will Impact Fleet Management Industry

Vehicle Telematics Technology will Curb Road Accidents

The emergency number will be dialed automatically on the collision or accident of the vehicle and the call center will automatically get information about it. You will be surprised to know that by 2030, road accidents will be the seventh leading cause of death of people. According to the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), in 2019 there have been about four and a half lakh … Continue reading Vehicle Telematics Technology will Curb Road Accidents

Sales Journey of Happy Customer

There are many blogs written on sales, inbound & outbound. Here I just wanted to pick up points which can help us to make a lead suspect, prospect & finally our client or partner. In the world, there are a million bundles for the sales process, sales funnel, and customer’s journey. As our Sale’s fathers used to say, try to fulfil client’s needs rather than … Continue reading Sales Journey of Happy Customer

Why is fleet management known as the heart of your business?

Keeping your fleets well managed is one of the major challenges fleet owners face, however it is a necessity for those who want to grow and sustain. Using dedicated fleet management offers a bunch of advantages that defend your business against unseen costs and market fluctuations. 1. Cost reduction: Everyone desires to save, that is the first objective of each company, however, who truly manages … Continue reading Why is fleet management known as the heart of your business?

Why is it important to use the OBD system in New Zealand?

OBD system is a short form of On-Board Diagnostic which is useful for automatic vehicle diagnostic and fault reporting. It is a computer-based system for reducing emissions and fleet damage. So, from January 2006, the OBD II is compulsory for all vehicles in New Zealand. Since then, every car then ran on CAN protocol to compliant OBD2 diagnostic scanners. After which old vehicles were replaced … Continue reading Why is it important to use the OBD system in New Zealand?