An overview of a production facility, with white trucks and cars parked outside

6 Tips for Improving Inventory Management for Your Fleet

Many fleet owners will agree that fleet management is a very complex, demanding task. It spans many processes, it monitors an array of metrics, and it is prone to error. What’s more, mistakes can indeed cost dearly, from losing customers to simply underperforming. A core aspect of fleet management is inventory management, which too can present challenges on its own. Fortunately, there are many ways … Continue reading 6 Tips for Improving Inventory Management for Your Fleet

electric vehicle

High Fuel Price increases demand for E-Scooters in Maharashtra

In a reflection of the impact of the frequent rise within the prices of petrol and diesel on maintaining vehicles, dealers in Maharashtra are seeing an increase in inquiries also because of the sale of mainly E-Scooters, electric two-wheelers, and three-wheelers. According to dealers, they’re facing a shortage of those two-wheelers and three-wheelers within the largest city within the Marathwada region of the state. “People willing to shop for electric two-wheelers and three-wheelers are now on a roll because the scooters aren’t available now unlike within the past,” a dealer … Continue reading High Fuel Price increases demand for E-Scooters in Maharashtra